We like to allow our members the freedom to hunt at their own pace and cater to their dogs skill level.
Our upland membership gives you access to almost 800 ACRES of pristine upland cover, surrounding Milton Reservoir, that will never be overbooked and will be stocked with Pheasants and Chukar. Fields range from light to heavy brush allowing you to customize your experience to your dogs skill level. With some of the best cover in the state you and your dog are sure to find the perfect challenge; or reserve one of our lighter brushed fields for training.
The membership subscription is for one year (12 months) and grants you access to the property for landfowl hunting, training, running your dogs, and practicing retrievals in our designated wading area. You are also welcome to bring your own birds during our off season (April to September). We offer member pricing on birds and your guests will pay this same price per bird under your membership/booking. We welcome unlimited guests but recommend only 4 shooters per field, if you ever wish to have more shooters at one time just let us know so we can help coordinate a larger field for you. We also offer many techniques to place your birds for a customized hunt and we plant your birds within an hour of your arrival, we operate hunts at 9am time slots and 1pm time slots for all 8 of our fields and also have pre-scouted areas for dove hunting come September.
Upland Hunting in Colorado can be just as good as in neighboring states if you find the right the club. Come put some eyes on the property and see for yourself.